Until the 14th of May, Art Shop Kula’s IN FOCUS artist is Stefan Ćirić, widely known by his (tattoo artist) pseudonym Tearzdrop. Stefan has signed his name in our lexicon and has brought us numerous artworks for viewing and purchase, along with a video installation for anyone who wishes to meet his art further. Come to Kula and have a look!

Name and surname: Stefan Ćirić AKA Tearzdrop AKA La Drop AKA Mister Cobra AKA 

I am: a multicultural artist who expands his work through several fields. My goal is to work on projects that inspire me on a daily basis, but also mutually unite, refresh and reflect each other through chosen means, whether it is a collage, a tattoo, an illustration or a video.

Currently I am working on: band promotions through music videos, animations, product cover designs and t-shirt designs.

My ,,theme songVery hard to decide on, but let’s say it is “No One Stands Me” by The Reateards.


This week I learned: that my friend Dušan’s aunt used to be a bootleg illustrator for cartoon characters and heroes, which she would later frame and sell. Indeed a very talented woman.

Where you can find me: Usually in Belgrade’s Circle of Line 2 (*in reference to the city center), where everything circles for me.

Color palette: Pink pink pink yellow acid green

One word that describes me: Pepsi

My goal is to work on projects that inspire me on a daily basis, but also mutually unite, refresh and reflect each other through chosen means, whether it is a collage, a tattoo, an illustration or a video.